Fix: A screen flickering problem when playing certain videos downloaded from Amazon Prime Video. to make sure you can use StreamFab normally.
Important Upgrade: Due to security concerns, some important upgrades are made to our server, please update to ver.Fix: A problem that the title of the Amazon Prime video being downloaded will change to the title of the video users browse next.Fix: A freeze problem when remuxing certain Amazon Prime videos.Fix: A crash problem when analyzing certain Amazon Prime videos.Fix: A startup crash problem in certain cases.Fix: A failure problem when downloading Apple TV+ videos.Fix: A failure problem when downloading certain Joyn videos.New: Added support to select user-preferred audio and resolution when downloading Canal+ videos.New: Added support to accelerate the analyzing speed when downloading Amazon Prime Videos.Fix: A failure problem when downloading Paramount+ videos due to everlasting analysis process.Fix: A problem that certain downloaded Amazon Prime Videos from Japan contain no audios during playback.Added support to output M4A audios when downloading YouTube Music. Added support to output VR 360° or 2D videos when downloading VR 360° videos. Added support to output HDR or SDR videos when downloading HDR videos. Added support to select video codec among H264, VP9, and AV1.
Added support to output MP4 or MKV videos.